2019年5月13日 星期一

Faster Console

Faster Console

With the Frame Buffer enabled, scrolling large amounts of text (e.g. dmesg) and other drawing can be very slow. Give these options to your kernel at boot and scrolling will be much faster.
Brief explanation of options:
vesafb   use the VESA Frame Buffer
ywrap    enable display panning using the VESA protected mode interface 
mtrr:3   use Memory Type Range Registers in write-combining mode
You may have to use ypan or another number with mtrr: depending on your video hardware. See /usr/src/linux/Documentation/fb/vesafb.txt for more details.
If it works well, this can be added to your lilo.conf in the append line:
append = "video=vesafb:ywrap,mtrr:3"
Run lilo -v and reboot.

How to Speed Up Unity in Ubuntu

1.Open your terminal in Ubuntu. This can be done by pressing Ctrl+Alt+T
2.Type gedit .xprofile in the Terminal window.
3.Type export UNITY_LOW_GFX_MODE=1 in the text editor. Save the file and close the text editor.
4.Restart Ubuntu. Your Unity will be faster.

