2019年7月21日 星期日

win7 disk.sys 卡死

3.在 CMD 模式Key入
select disk 0
convert mbr
4.關閉cmd mode..重開機,重新分割硬碟再安裝一次
使用第三方軟體 Diskgenuis做轉換

2019年7月12日 星期五

linux 測試網路速度指令speedtest-cli

centos 安裝
ubuntu 安裝
安裝完畢後就可以直接使用指令來測試 它會自已找最近的伺服器來測速
Retrieving speedtest.net configuration...
Retrieving speedtest.net server list...
Testing from E.I. du Pont de Nemours and Co. (
Selecting best server based on latency...
Hosted by PCOK (Toyota) [245.13 km]: 15.644 ms
Testing download speed........................................
Download: 253.41 Mbit/s
Testing upload speed..................................................
Upload: 186.78 Mbit/s
要分享測試結果 可以加上--share
每台伺服器都有一個 ID 號碼,在測試時可以用這個 ID 編號來指定想要使用的伺服器

2019年7月7日 星期日

如何將C-MEDIA USB 聲音適配器設置為主聲卡 - Ubuntu / Debian

在本教程中,我們將幫助您在基於Ubuntu / Debian的系統下CMEDIA USB 7.1聲道聲音適配器作為主聲卡。如果您插入此設備並且沒有聲音,則本教程可以幫助您解決此問題。您可以在此處找到我們基於教程的參考資料。



sudo apt-get install alsa-tools alsa-oss使用以下命令

編輯 /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf文件:

sudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d /alsa-base.conf


選項SND-USB音頻指數= -2

替換值 -2  與 0將USB聲音適配器設置為主聲卡,然後按Ctrl + Q並保存文件。




ubuntu 19.04 Install and Run Chrome

Install and Run Chrome as root in Ubuntu Linux
This tutorial explains how to install the Google Chrome in Ubuntu Linux and once the Chrome is installed, how to run it under the root user account.

Google Chrome is one of the most popular web browsers. Just like the other applications, we cannot install it from the Ubuntu Software Center. We have to download and install it manually. Before we learn how to do this, let’s quickly understand why is the Chrome not available in Ubuntu Software Center?
Chrome is developed by the Google. Google does not allow third parties to distribute it. Besides this, to download and use the Chrome, a user has to agree with the Google's restrictive "End User License Agreement" (EULA). Google's restrictive license does not allow Ubuntu to distribute the Chrome from its official repositories.
Installing Google Chrome in Ubuntu Linux
Since Chrome is not available in Ubuntu’s official repositories, it cannot be installed from the Ubuntu Software Center. We have to manually download and install it. There are two ways to do this; through the CLI prompt and through the GUI interface. Let’s understand both methods in detail with examples.
Installing Chrome from the CLI prompt

To install Chrome from the command line, connect the system with the Internet and run the following command.
$wget https://dl.google.com/linux/direct/google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb
This command downloads the latest stable version of Chrome in the current directory.

Once installer package file is downloaded, run the following command.
$sudo dpkg -i google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb
This command installs the Chrome from the downloaded installer package file.
Installing Google Chrome from GUI Interface
To install the Google Chrome from GUI interface, download the latest stable version from its official site.
Once downloading is finished, open the folder which contains the downloaded file.
Select the downloaded file, and do right click. From right click context menu, click the option "Open With Software Install".
This opens the downloaded file in the installation wizard of Ubuntu Software center. To start the installation, click the Install button.
To authenticate the installation, type the super user password.
Upon successful authentication, wizard starts the installation. Usually, installation takes less than a minute.
Starting Google Chrome
Once Chrome is installed, it can be started from both methods; command line and GUI interface. To start it from the command line, use the following command.
Following two options will be displayed if Chrome is started for the first time.
·         Make Google Chrome the default browser
·         Automatically send usage statistics and crash reports to Google
By default, both options are selected. If you don’t want to set the Google Chrome as the default browser, unselect the first option. Same way if you don’t want to send the crash reports and usage statistics to Google, unselect the second option.
After making your decision, click the OK button to start the Chrome.
Just like the command prompt, we can also start the Chrome from the GUI interface. To start it from GUI interface, click the Dash button. In search box of the opened window, search the keyword "Chrome". From search result, click the Chrome.
This will launch the Google Chrome.
Running Chrome as root
To enhance the system security, by default, Chrome does not start under the root user account. Following error is displayed when Chrome is started under the root account.
ERROR:zygote_host_impl_linux.cc(89) Running as root without --no-sandbox is not supported. See https://crbug.com/638180.
To run Chrome as root, open the file /opt/google/chrome/google-chrome for editing.

Append the following configuration values in the last line of the file.
--user-data-dir --test-type --no-sandbox
After editing, last line should look like the following line.
exec -a "$0" "$HERE/chrome" "$@"--user-data-dir --test-type --no-sandbox
Make sure you add all three options of configuration values. Skipping second option (--test-type) will through the following error message when the Chrome will run.
You are using an unsupported command-line flag: --no-sandbox. Stability and security will be suffered.
To run Chrome as root without any error messages, add all three options as explained above and save the file.
Once the configuration file is updated with these options, you can run the Chrome as root.
Removing Chrome from CLI prompt
To uninstall Chrome from the command prompt, run the following commands.
$sudo dpkg -l |grep google
$sudo dpkg -P google-chrome-stable
First command prints the package name of Chrome.
Second command removes the package of Chrome.
Uninstalling Chrome from GUI interface
To uninstall Chrome from the GUI interface, open the Ubuntu Software center. In search box of Software center, search the keyword Chrome. From search result, click the Google Chrome.
On detailed information screen, click the Remove button.
Click the Remove button again to confirm the removal of Chrome.
In few seconds, Chrome will be removed from the system.
That’s all for this tutorial. If you like this tutorial, please don’t forget to share it through your favorite social channel.